Konstantin Korotkov - aurafotografie
1. Artikel over dit onderwerp in ninefornews.nl
2. Artikel over dit onderwerp in The Epoch Times, New York
1. Ninefornews.nl
Natuurkundige fotografeert 'aura's' en laat zien hoe ons 'energieveld' wordt beïnvloed door liefde of ziekte
www.ninefornews.nl - in Bewustzijn, 10 november 2017
De Russische natuurkundige Dr. Konstantin Korotkov van de ITMO University, St. Petersburg, gebruikt een oude methode om 'aura's' te fotograferen, schrijft de Epoch Times, N.Y.
Kirlianfotografie werd ontdekt in de 17e eeuw, maar werd in de jaren veertig pas echt vaker gebruikt. Deze methode is ontwikkeld door de Russische uitvinder Semjon Kirlian. Kirlianfoto's worden in een donkere kamer gemaakt. Het te fotograferen voorwerp wordt op een lichtgevoelig stuk fotopapier geplaatst. De film ligt op een glasplaat die op een metalen plaat wordt gelegd. De metalen plaat is verbonden met een spanningsbron. Vanuit de metalen plaat wordt het voorwerp vervolgens blootgesteld aan een sterk elektrisch veld, waarbij rond het voorwerp zwakke, gekleurde ontladingen ontstaan die op het fotopapier worden vastgelegd.
Sommigen spreken in dit geval van een 'aura' [Latijn 'aura': uitstraling], een energie die afkomstig is van het lichaam. Kirlian zei dat het veld laat zien of iemand gezond of ziek is. Volgens dr. Korotkov is het Kirlianeffect vergelijkbaar met de Chinese term 'chi' [geestkracht, levenskracht].
Invloeden op de aura
Korotkov gebruikt Kirlianfoto's om ziekte te voorkomen en te behandelen. Hij gebruikt het om te zien hoe ziekte, liefde, boosheid en vele andere factoren de 'aura' beïnvloeden. Hij heeft ontdekt
- dat liefde en positiviteit van groot belang zijn voor een gezonde aura,
- dat gedachten van mensen de aura van anderen kunnen beïnvloeden, ook van een afstand,
- en dat klassieke muziek de aura sterker maakt.
In het Westen staan wetenschappers nog niet echt open voor het werk van Korotkov. "Westerse dokters kijken alleen naar het fysieke lichaam," zei hij. "Ze willen het bestaan van het bewustzijn en de ziel niet accepteren," vervolgde hij, "maar langzaam maar zeker komt hierin verandering."
Er kwam eens een vrouw bij hem die moe en depressief was en pijn had op meerdere plekken in haar lichaam. Ze slikte voor haar aandoeningen verschillende medicijnen. Met behulp van Kirlianfotografie ontdekte hij zwakke plekken in haar aura. Hij raadde haar aan de energie in die gebieden te versterken.
Ze werd snel beter en stopte met het slikken van pillen. "Wereldwijd gebruiken duizenden dokters deze methode nu op succesvolle wijze," zei dr. Korotkov.
In het oude China werden dokters betaald als mensen gezond werden. In het Westen is het andersom: dokters en farmaceutische bedrijven verdienen geld als mensen ziek zijn.
Wisselwerking tussen aura's
"Iemands aura wordt versterkt door positieve gevoelens zoals vreugde en liefde, en door humor," zei Korotkov.
Hij heeft Kirlianfoto's gemaakt van twee mensen die verliefd zijn, waarop te zien is hoe hun aura's met elkaar verbonden zijn. "Als we verliefd zijn, dragen we deze energie over, niet alleen in onze fantasie," zei hij. "Dat is waarom liefhebbende mensen genezen. Ze sturen positieve emoties en ondersteunen het genezingsproces."
De wetenschapper ontdekte ook dat iemands veld reageert als een geliefde in de buurt is, zelfs als die niet te zien is.
"Een gezond persoon heeft een krachtig, volledig veld; een ziek persoon heeft een veld vol gaten," zei hij. "Als mensen negatieve emoties hebben - boosheid, afgunst - wordt het energieveld zwakker." Twee mensen zonder emotionele verbinding hebben een lege ruimte tussen hun aura's, lichtte hij toe.
Collectief bewustzijnsveld
"Na meer dan 30 jaar onderzoek kunnen we zeggen dat we niet alleen een fysiek lichaam zijn, maar veel meer dan dat," concludeerde hij. "We hebben een geest, ons bewustzijn, die buiten ons brein bestaat," vervolgde hij. "Als we ons bewustzijn verruimen, vormen we een collectief bewustzijnsveld."
Als we positieve gevoelens vormen, beïnvloeden we andere mensen op een positieve manier, aldus Korotkov, maar door negatieve gevoelens op een negatieve manier.
"Enkel met onze positieve gevoelens kunnen we onze wereld beter maken," besloot hij.
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2. The Epoch Times, New York, U.S.A.
In Beyond Science, The Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities.

Konstantin Korotkov
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times
November 2, 2017
Kirlian photography has its roots in the 17th century, but really took hold in the 1940s. This method, developed by Russian inventor Semyon Kirlian, involves placing an object on a metal plate covered with photographic film. The plate is then charged with an electric current wich causes an electric field. When the film is developed, it shows the object with a colorful field around it. Some have said Kirlian photography shows a bioenergy field, others have said it's just ordinary heat or moisture.

eerste aura
(Emmanuel Heredia)
Kirlian himself said the strength or weakness of the field could indicate either wellbeing or illness. Korotkov is among those scientists who have continued Kirlian's use of the technique. He understands the Kirlian effect as an energy field similar to the chi discussed in traditional Chinese medicine. He uses it to prevent and treat illness.
Korotkov made the first digital Kirlian device in 1995 and has continued to refine the technology. He has used it in many experiments to test how illness, love, anger, and many other factors affect the 'aura'.
It is through these experiments that he has become convinced Kirlian photography doesn't just pick up on moisture or heat from the body, but clearly relates to a more profound energy.
The correlations Korotkov has found between energy channels in traditional Chinese medicine and the fields displayed by Kirlian photography are among the reasons he believes this effect isn't explained by ordinary heat and moisture.

He measures the aura, or the Kirlian effect, and has developed mathematical parameters to analyze its correlation with the energy and functioning of various parts of the body. In so doing, he has found that traditional Chinese medicine's understanding of energy channels and meridians is correct.
He has learned that
- love and positivity are vitally important to a healthy aura;
- that people's thoughts can influence the auras of others, even from a distance;
- and that classical music helps strengthen the aura.
Some critics of Kirlian photography will remain staunch, Korotkov acknowledged, because his use of the technique does not fit in the common Western scientific approach.
"We are based on traditional Chinese medicine, not all doctors accept those ideas," he said. "They need to come deeper into the study to understand this, and many doctors or scientists are too busy to do that."
"Plus we talk about physical body, mind, consciousness and soul," he continued.
"Western doctors are based on a materialistic approach when they think only about the physical body. They don't want to accept the existence of consciousness and soul. That is why I am not afraid that it is not widely accepted in science of medicine. Because it is coming, step by step, but it is coming."
Korotkov uses Kirlian photography in preventative medicine, not just in treating symptoms after an illness occurs.
He gave the example of a woman who came to him with many different symptoms, including fatigue, depression, and pain in different parts of her body. She was taking various pills for her each of her conditions.

er zijn zeven aura's
In ancient China, doctors were responsible for keeping people healthy; they were paid when people were healthy, he said. In Western medicine, however, it works the opposite way. Healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical companies make money when people are sick.
He's not against Western medicine; his wife is a medical doctor. He thinks instead that his approach can work with Western medicine. "If people have some severe problem, like heart attack, then they should go to the hospital and get treated," he said. "To prevent this severe situation, we need to use the power of this integrated medicine and traditional medicine, because this has tremendous power to keep people healthy."
A person's aura is strengthened by positive feelings like joy, humor, and love. "But if people have negative emotions - anger, envy - then it decreases the energy field, makes the energy field shrink and sometimes even disappear," he said. "Negative emotions destroy a person's own energy field as well as other people's fields," said Korotkov.
Negative emotions directed at someone can decrease that person's energy field too, even from a distance, according to Korotkov's studies. He has taken photos of two people in love and found their auras intermingle. Conversely, two people without an emotional connection have a gap between their auras.
Love heals

twee verbonden aura's
(Courtesy of Dr. Konstantin Korotkov)
"When we are in love, we transfer this energy, not just in our imagination, but it is real physical transformation of physical energy," he said. "That's why people when they have loving people, they heal. They can send positive emotions and help the healing process."
A healthy person has a strong, full field, but an ill person has holes or breaks in the field, Korotkov said.
Further exploring the connection between loved ones, Korotkov found that a person's field responds when someone they love is nearby, even if that loved one is out of sight. This suggests that an emotional bond allows a person to intuitively sense another's presence without the ordinary five senses.
Classical music and meditation create a more stable, healthy aura
Korotkov has studied the effect of music on a person's aura. Classical music has a positive effect. Intense rock music increases energy for some time, but results in a steeper drop thereafter.
While listening to classical music can help to maintain a steady aura, the best method is meditation and exercises like yoga or qigong, Korotkov said.

collectief bewustzijn
Korotkov summed up his research: "After more than 30 years of research, we came to understand that we are not just material bodies, we are much more than that. We have our mind, our consciousness and it's not just inside of our brain, it is also outside.
So if we expand our consciousness, we expand our spirit outside to the environment. Together, we create a collective consciousness field."
"If we generate positive emotions, if we generate positive feelings, then we influence other people in a positive way. If we generate negative emotions and feelings, then we influence other people in a very negative way," he said. "Only with our positive feelings, with a positive attitude to each other ... we can make our world better."
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3. De samenvatting van het oorspronkelijke artikel
Volume 8, Number 2, 2002, pp. 153-165
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Altered States of Consciousness: Review of Experimental Data Obtained with a Multiple Techniques Approach
1) Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2) Technical University St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University) St. Petersburg, Russia. 3) Scandinavian International University, Orebro, Sweden.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Prepared by the Editors
The Editors and the reviewers of this paper all agree that the research described herein is important and complex and that most of the four disparate areas of research covered in it are likely to be outside the experience of most readers. This Executive Summary is presented by way of an introduction to the content of the paper. The authors have agreed to respond to detailed questions addressed to the following e-mail address korotkov[at]mail.admiral.ru.
The main objective of this research, which was carried out within the international project 'Mental Training for Sport and Life', was to study the correlation between multiple computerinterpreted bioelectrographic measurements and the psychophysiologic measurements of an altered state of consciousness (ASC) brought about during systematic mental training.
The relevance of this ASC study is explained by the fact that ASC is a peculiar "window" for learning mental activity mechanisms, solving problems of both traditional and alternative medicine, and, at the same time, interpreting a number of social and cultural phenomena. The novelty in the practical technique developed for the purposes of this study lies in the particular combination used of the following four techniques:
(1) Psychologic evaluation and status control carried out in compliance with the Profile of Mood States diagnostic test
(2) Computerized electroencephalography with spectral power analysis
(3) Digital recording and computer processing of quasi-DC potentials in the mV range at the forehead to detect bilateral asymmetry
(4) Computer processing of images and light emission from gas discharges around a finger, initiated by a strong electromagnetic field impulse, also called the 'gas discharge visualization technique' digital stage of the well-known Kirlian photography.
Taking into consideration, on the one hand, the long periods of preparation and training required for every participant and the individual character of a particular person's reaction on the other hand, the authors were not expecting a high level of statistical repeatability of the quantitative data but rather were looking for common trends as revealed by computer processing and modeling of the measured patterns and activity.
From the study results and progress, the authors conclude that it is sound to infer that the psychodynamic modifications that occur under the influence of mental training are of a complex energy-informative nature for which interpretation might be of vital importance for the cognition of mental training, 'bioenergetic therapy', and the fundamentals of psychosomatic medicine.
The authors' experimental data confirm transitions in psychoenergetic self-regulation in the transformation of the state of consciousness. This may be practically applied as a criterion of mental training, meditation and healing efficiency. In general, the revealed correlates and phenomena lead to the conclusion that in ASC, changes in both psychosomatic and psychoenergetic autoregulation take place. In particular, there is harmonization of the biopotential field of the brain and a psychoenergetic activation that is directly correlated with mental activity in ASC during active imagination as revealed in the Kirlian images.
The data obtained allows the claim that bioelectrographic correlates of the mechanisms of mental activity in ASC do not refer just to the electrochemical levels of the brain. Such research requires a great deal of complex bioelectrographic technology, thus, unifying analytical aspects of psychophysiologic and psychophysical methods of research.
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